Saturday, December 02, 2023

national archives identifies key documents related to Joe Biden’s apparent email aliases

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

You have to ask yourself WHY a former VP of the USA would ever need to use an alias. As if we don't know.

Anonymous said...

He's a super hero in real life--Dementiaman--and must be very careful about his secret identity.

"Look,down on the ground--it's a worm,no it's a slug--no,wait--it's Dementiaman!"

Yes,Dementiaman,who in real life,is Joe Biden,Brandon,Robin Ware(robbin' where?),JRB Ware and Soiled Underwear,never rests in his quest for bribes and graft,using his powerful office to aid him.


Flying through the air after tripping on a pebble or a mischievous leprechaun grabs his foot...


"He's not normal."