Saturday, December 02, 2023

"allahu akbar!" "The last time I saw Paris," I stabbed one man to death, and wounded two others

By R.C.
saturday, december 2, 2023 at 06:34:19 p.m. est

"one killed and another injured after 'assailant shouted "allah akbar""

"one person is stabbed to death and 'british tourist' is among two injured [sic] after 'assailant shouted 'allahu akbar' before attacking passersby in central Paris near the Eiffel tower' - as suspect 'who said he hated muslims being killed' is arrested"

"the victim - who has not been named - was set upon by an assailant screaming 'allahu akbar' - arabic for god [sic] is the greatest - on saturday night." [N.S.: They don't scream "God is the greatest," they scream "allah is the greatest!"]

There are jobs that the french won’t do.


Anonymous said...

He hated people being killed so he decided to kill one himself.

Anonymous said...

The French should realize that osmosis is not a winning battle plan in defending your country.The Muslims WILL however,osmositize the French until they're extinct.