Saturday, December 16, 2023

dei must DIE "Remembering Lawrence Auster"

By An Old Friend
saturday, december 16, 2023 at 05:24:37 p.m. est

dei must DIE

Larry Auster used to make the point that a central feature of modern idiocy is that "discrimination" is taken to be the worst thing in the world. In his seminal The Path to National Suicide, he quoted an exchange between Senator Sam Ervin and Secretary of State Dean Rusk from the hearings on the (disastrous-to-be) Hart-Celler bill:

Ervin: That racial and national origin discrimination, I think, is a very important thing for us to pursue. . . . The fact that the McCarran-Walter Act gives a preference . . . to those ethnic groups I have mentioned [northern Europeans], is the objection to it, isn't it?

Secretary of State Rusk: Yes; as opposed to the others all over the world.

Ervin: Mr. Secretary . . . do you know of any people in the world that have contributed more to making America than thoseparticular groups? . . . In other words, you take the English-speaking people, they gave us our language, they gave us our
common law, they gave us a large part of our political philosophy. . . . The reason I say this bill is discriminatory against those people is because it puts them on exactly the same plane as the people of Ethiopia are put, where the people of Ethiopia have
the same right to come to the United States under this bill as the people from England, the people of France, the people of Germany, the people of Holland, and I don't think . . . I don't know of any contributions that Ethiopia has made to the making of America.

The point I am making is, we discriminate every day in every phase of life, we make discriminations in law, we make them in our personal actions, we discriminate in our opinions . . . we discriminate by the girls we marry, choose one and object to thechoice of another, or they object to us. The only possible charge of discrimination in the McCarran-Walter Act is that it discriminates in favor of the people who made the greatest contribution to America, and this bill puts them on the same plane as everybody else on earth.

I do not think you could draft an immigration bill in which you do not discriminate. I think discrimination is ordinarily the exercise of intelligence to make conscious choices. . . . we always discriminate, only the basis of it is different, each of us think[s] our own way is wise and right. . . . I think there is a rational basis and a reasonable basis to give a preference to Holland over Afghanistan, and I hope I am not entertaining a very iniquitous thought when I entertain that honest opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Senator John Kennedy would probably voice the same intelligent argument.Kennedy is our modern day Sam Ervin.