Friday, December 22, 2023

aztec gang accused of removing hearts, mutilating more than 20 murder victims

By A Texas Reader
friday, december 22, 2023 at 10:04:09 p.m. est

"Juárez gang accused of removing hearts, mutilating more than 20 murder victims" - from el paso times

"mexican police arrested members of a Juárez gang accused of filming the torture and mutilation murders of its rivals."

Check out this story on

Must be channeling their aztec ancestors.


Anonymous said...

"Their finest."

Who said that timeless phrase?


Anonymous said...

In case you missed this item, fairly recent: -RM (NOTE: you have to refresh the page to make VDare's annoying fund-raising page go away)

Anonymous said...

The American Indian in the old west was in the habit of eating hearts of an emissary killed in battle the American Indian believe they’re buying heart, you gain, strength and courage of your adversary but it must be eaten raw