Thursday, October 19, 2023

war crime watch: raceless man tried to murder invisible woman in subway yesterday; even without the photo (which we have), you knew from the racial code who did it: "random," "history of mental illness"

By N.S.

"police id midtown subway shove suspect, photos: nypd

"investigators are looking for the man they said shoved a woman into a moving train in a midtown subway station at noon on wednesday."

I just posted the following comment. Let's see how long it lasts.

"random shove." "history of mental illness." Already without the photo of the perp, the code told you the race. Heck, just the code word "random" was enough.

And what's with this "unprovoked" crap? What would have been a "provoked" attempted murder? This was a racist hate crime, but because of racial privilege, it will not be treated as such.

Continuing: "the suspected shover has an apparent history of mental illness and was arrested last december for riding between trains, according to new york post." Riding between trains is meaningless, crime-wise. At least half the kids in new york city have done that. Heck, half the White kids in new york city have done that. I've done it. But I never tried to murder someone. At 39, our friend Sabir Jones has to have committed thousands of crimes.

The positives of the story are that the nypd released the photo, did so immediately (instead of sitting on it for up to a month, as in previous cases) and the media immediately published it. Does that mean the vic is a lesbian or sexual psycho? (No offense, Vicky.)

war criminal Sabir Jones, 39


Anonymous said...

Maybe if blacks went back to names like Leroy and Roscoe,they wouldn't act so ridiculous.Nahh,but it'd be easier to spell for them.Nahhh.

Never mind.

Anonymous said...

Too agitated. Not in full control of himself. Got a bad shake in life? Was not on his meds. Etc. Endlessly.

Anonymous said...
