Monday, October 09, 2023

U.S. Employers to Whites: Drop Dead

By N.S.

This is whom employers have hired since the advent of the George Floyd hoax.


Anonymous said...

Really?That CAN'T be right.Maybe lookouts for robberies or drive by shooters for street gangs.Or maybe tv news anchors,or actors in commercials or police chiefs or burger king hires or nursing homes or rib joints.Not too many at gas stations I go to.Havent been to Walmart,but Meijers(the local equivalent)is mostly White.Of course this is certain stores(I don't go to ghetto area Meijers).


Anonymous said...

Whites are being discriminated against. No question about that. The numbers about this make that clear. But all of this DIE stuff is going to harm white job seekers regardless. It is specifically aimed at them, whether this is admitted or not.

But there are two facts about this that also should be considered to quantify it better:

1) the 2020 census showed an absolute decline in the number of white people since 2010, meaning it's not just that the white population is growing more slowly than other races, there were actually fewer of them in 2020 compared to 2010, and

2) the population of other races is increasing substantially.

So considering 1) and 2), it is to be expected that there are more non-white job candidates and more of them will be hired. The question is, when does a preponderance of non-white hires indicate bias against Whites?

Clearly these numbers do indicate that, but the question is by how much? Due to 1) and 2) it is less than the raw numbers might suggest.

In fact it is probably true that more white workers are retiring today than entering the workforce.

Anonymous said...

95 % gone within three months?

Anonymous said...

That figure of 95 % gone in three months was the experience of the auto industry in Detroit after the riots of 1967. Gave almost everyone a job only to see the work staff hired just melt away in weeks.