Sunday, October 08, 2023

overpriced, private med school promoting curriculum that says bmi is "steeped in racism"

By A Texas Reader
sunday, october 8, 2023 at 10:18:11 p.m. edt

"top med school promoting curriculum that says bmi is steeped in racism

"Washington university school of medicine says bmi is steeped in racism as its based on 'ideal' caucasian and ignores other factors to determine health"

"the course, titled 'health equity and justice,' was held at missouri's Washington university school of medicine this past summer - and some of its alleged lessons were laid bare by fox news."

I hope the chinese and russians team up to level this country.

Only retarded White elites buy into this "equity" bull--it.

If all cultures and races are equal, then why do all the millions in the sub-tropics want to live around Whitey?


Anonymous said...

"They want to live around Whitey."

Yes,like lions like to "live around" zebras.


Anonymous said...

Same univ did "gender affiming" care. Seem to remember a whistleblower about it.

Anonymous said...

Blacks are the size they are with all the problems they have health-wise because they are trying to eat the white man diet which is not appropriate for them. They metabolize food in a different manner than whitey. Especially dairy product. They also enjoy and prefer food cooked deep-fried. Even twinkies!

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
They claim in the article the body ideal is based on caucasian bodies, but then say the concept of bmi was developed by White doctors experimenting on aboriginals. What kind of aboriginals? Australian doctors on aborigine's down under? Native Americans? White doctors in Africa?
Why aren't caucasian bodies an adequate sampling to base an ideal on? Aren't we all the same physically? Except for color that is. These people are suggesting that non Whites are fatter but these hypocrites would quickly accuse anybody White of being racist for saying the same. Blacks actually do have significantly higher obesity rates, especially black women but asians have lower obesity rates than caucasians. So I guess they are talking about blacks being made to feel fat because it boils down to them. Well, they are fatter. There, I said it because it's true, not because it's racist.

Anonymous said...

"If all cultures and races are equal, then why do all the millions in the sub-tropics want to live around Whitey?"

Especially those that come from hot climates where they have perpetual summer? Welcome to Chicago or Minneapolis in the winter.