Friday, October 20, 2023

The Greene New Deal

[“stats of the day—u.s. debt.”]

By AbolishTenure
friday, october 20, 2023 at 1:27:00 p.m. edt

One would have expected MTG and Thomas Massie to be steadfast on this but neither of them had any problem with the $1.5 trillion debt limit increase a/k/a The Greene New Deal. McCarthy got his continuing resolution (continuing capitulation) through, no problem-o there. freedom caucus overall has dropped the ball.

Imagine what an awesome position we would be in if Ronald Reagan in 1985 had vetoed all deficit spending, republicans in general had bought into financial responsibility, and we were debt-free right now with a Swamp half the size that it is.

N.S.: Imagine what an awesome position we would be in if Ronald Reagan had refused to sign into law a national holiday celebrating the life of the most destructive figure in American history, and if he had refused to sign into law a nation-breaking amnesty of illegal aliens.

By Anonymous
friday, october 20, 2023 at 4:40:00 p.m. edt

That question never answered. What limit, if any, is there to the national debt? I guess when the amount of budget used to pay the interest on the debt becomes a certain proportion? And what is that if so?


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
MSN runs a top level article about a racist negro woman who asks on Tik Tok if showering with dogs is a "White Thing":

If she really thinks that showering with dogs is a "White thing", then she's dumb as a rock. Either that, or she's trying to create a stereotype about White people because she's a racist.

Article describes her as a Tik Tok "creator".

If posting stupid, racist videos is "creating" then the word doesn't mean what the dictionary says it does.

MSN article presents the story in a lighthearted way completely ignoring the obvious racial bias of this woman. It also posts some responses from Whites who take no offense at her racism. Imagine if a White person had posted something similar asking if certain behaviors are a "black thing". The comments would blow up with racist accusations.

You know, if she can ask a question like that, based on absolutely nothing other than what she pulled out of her racist mind then I have a few questions to pose myself. Except my questions are based on actual statistical fact:

Why is it that every time a White or asian is pushed into a subway car or track, the perp is a negro? Is that a "black thing"?

Why is it that almost every interracial rape is a negro male and White victim? Is that a "black thing"?

Why is every mob robbery composed of all negroes (but described as teens)? Is that a black thing?

Why are 75% of serial killers arrested nowadays black men? Is serial killing a black thing?

Why are 60-70% of murders in the US committed by negroes? Is murder a black thing?

I could go on and on but if MSN is going to run some random negroes racist question, then how 'bout they post some of mine?

Anonymous said...

You'll find out when the stock market blows up on a future day and all the fake wealth disappears.


Anonymous said...

The whole debt limit circus is a show for the plebs. A chance for the scum in Congress to show faux concern and exercise faux responsibility.

Too far down the road now. The financial Rubicon was passed.

They all deserve the guillotine for making debt slaves out of ordinary decent people and for the current inflation (and immigration) that is making it impossible for tens and tens of millions to ever own a home. Hopefully one day they will get it and the plebs can kick their heads down the Washington Mall like soccer balls.

Anonymous said...

Well stated,Jerry.They won't publish your questions,of course,because they won't like the answers.


Anonymous said...

Pretty wild to go from a story about showering with dogs (wtf) to a rant about interracial crime etc. But go off dude.