Saturday, October 21, 2023

Someone in Rashida Tlaib’s district murdered a cutie-pie, young rabbi; aol’s gauleiter supports democrats in fomenting racist blood libels

The late rabbi Samantha Woll, 40

By N.S.

“Detroit synagogue president found fatally stabbed outside her home”

N.S.: Oh, another woman who stabbed herself to death? Well, we wouldn’t want to jump to any conclusions, now, would we?! And she was a cutie pie. No children?

N.S.: I just bought a package of hummus today with my groceries. I hope that wasn’t what killed rabbi Woll.

FRAN-CES “We have become very ugly people in this country. The term ugly American comes to mind.”

N.S.: Speak for yourself. I haven’t killed anyone since this morning.

FRAN-CES: “When will the majority of good, honest people say enough is enough and do something about it?”

N.S.: Like what, killing people we consider “ugly”?

Michael “This is an outrage against all humanity. How can we be proud of a nation that commits these terrible acts?”

N.S.: I see that neither logic nor morality is your strong suit. No nation committed this terrible act. It was committed by one or two people.

KENNETH “Racist much?”

N.S.: Against which race?

MARK THE SHARK “Mass shootings be it schools, markets etc, are all done by White American males, not immigrants.”

N.S.: That’s a racist blood libel. The majority of such shootings are committed by your and the Gauleiter's favorite race. The Gauleiter supports you, whereas if I tell the truth, she’ll block me.

DEE “I guess you haven’t been paying attention. It’s been the MAGA extremists who have been killing Jewish people in the USA!”

N.S.: What on Earth are you talking about?


Anonymous said...

That's it--you convinced me--I'm not joining AOL.


Anonymous said...

“Sam was as kind a person as I’ve ever known,” she said.

“She was driven by her sincere love of her community, state and country. Sam truly used her faith and activism to create a better place for everyone.”

GRA:Except for herself(and others,on another day,that a minority feels like killing someone.)


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Maddening to argue with these pinheads. At some point in any debate about race and crime they zing you with the: Oh yeah, All mass shooters are White men, or ALL serial killers are White men, because that's what the MSM has been telling them. Or they must make something up like all murders of Jews have been by MAGA White men. How do we fight mass conditioning on a scale that has 90% of the country believing utter falsehoods? I don't have an answer to that, I just keep plugging away.

Anonymous said...

Lots and lots of Muslim in Dee-troit area. 100,000 Yemeni for instance. How did they get here? I wonder if Debbie Schlussel has commented on this?

Anonymous said...

Fewer than 20% of homicides are between strangers.

She was killed outside her home. Probably lives in a decent, nice area.

Murder with a knife is more intimate than with a gun. You have to get real close to kill someone with a knife. Guns are widely available in America. Odds are it is someone she knew.

But until there is an arrest anything else is just speculation, much of it dumb and a product of confirmation bias. It is pointless to engage people about their dumb speculation arising from confirmation bias.