Thursday, October 19, 2023

Question: When Do You Force a Ceasefire—and Why Wouldn’t You?

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, october 18, 2023 at 5:03:00 p.m. edt

u.s. vetoes u.n. resolution for gaza ceasefire as Biden visit fails to calm fears of wider war

wednesday, oct 18, 2023 - 03:35 p.m.

“update (1535 et): the big controversy out of the un security council on wednesday is that the us vetoed a draft resolution calling for a humanitarian pause in gaza, as Israeli airstrikes continue and ground forces are reportedly still staging for an invasion.

“the draft resolution was proposed by brazil and condemned ‘the terrorist attacks by hamas,’ urged the release of hostages, while calling for a ‘humanitarian pause’ or ceasefire. 12 members approved the draft wednesday, the uk and russia abstained, but the united states shot it down.

“u.s. ambassador to the un Linda Thomas-Greenfield said she wanted u.s. diplomacy to ‘play out’ first, but also criticized the resolution text for not expressly upholding Israel’s right to self defense. Thomas-Greenfield slammed this aspect, saying in her explanation before the council:

“‘colleagues, the united states is disappointed this resolution made no mention of Israel’s right of self-defense. like every nation in the world, Israel has the inherent right of self-defense, as reflected in article 51 of the u.n. charter. following previous terrorist attacks by groups such as al-qaida and isis, this council reaffirmed that right. this text should have done the same.’

“in tel aviv, Biden was asked in follow-up to his speech earlier in the day why he is backing Israel’s denial of being behind the hospital bombing. Biden responded that it was due to ‘the data I was shown by my Defense Department.’”

GRA: I don’t know how many casualties Israel has inflicted on hamas, but I’m sure there’s probably been at least an equal amount to what hamas inflicted on Israel. So I raise the question again: When do you stop—and why wouldn’t you?The u.s. vetoes a ceasefire, and a fair question is: Why not allow a ceasefire?

I know! They don’t want to interfere in Israel’s right to decide their own response to the oct 7th attack. Eventually, however, there WILL be a ceasefire. The only question is, When? Obviously, after Israel believes enough of a deterrent is in place to prevent further october 7ths.


N.S.: “They don’t want to interfere in Israel’s right to decide their own response to the oct 7th attack.”

But fake president/real gangster Joe Biden is already interfering in Israel’s right to decide its own response to the oct 7th attack, by blackmailing p.m. Bibi Netanyahu out of invading the gaza strip.

America has an incoherent position, due to the conflict between its longstanding support for Israel and the fact that Biden (“Obama”) supports hamas.


Anonymous said...

I forgot about the "Obama factor".Great point.


Anonymous said...


(ZH)The Israeli military has a "green light" to move into Gaza whenever it's ready, a member of the country’s security cabinet told ABC News.

Hostages and civilian casualties will be secondary to destroying Hamas, Economy Minister Nir Barakat told ABC News, "even if it takes a year."

And more dire threats from Israeli officials:

Asked about the miles of tunnels Hamas has built under Gaza, he said they’d become the "world’s biggest cemetery." Hamas has claimed to be holding some or all of the 203 Israeli hostages it’s taken within that vast network.

"We shall do all efforts to bring our hostages, to bring our hostages [back] alive…" he said, but the "first and last priority" is destroying Hamas.

GRA:If it takes that long,other countries will be join in by then,one would assume,with unforseen consequences to follow.


Anonymous said...

UN a totally useless organization and has been for many decades. Not even sure why it even exists.