Wednesday, October 04, 2023

"NYC illegals dropped 300 new taco-eater anchor babies this month alone."

By An Old Friend
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 10:34:18 p.m. edt

"NYC illegals dropped 300 new taco-eater anchor babies this month alone."

George Kennan reminds me in some ways of Barbara Jordan.  Both are remembered and highly regarded as almost heroic statesmen and public servants.  However, Kennan's warnings about both mass immigration and trying to pry the ukraine away from russia have been conveniently memory-holed…much like Barbara Jordan's strong advocacy for strict immigration limits in the years leading up to her untimely death in early 1996.

Meanwhile ...


Suella Braverman is outspoken and estimable, for the most part.  But I disagree that there's a moral imperative to take in refugees (by which I mean genuine refugees, not the economic opportunists who make up the bulk of the current swarms).  I refer back to words from George Kennan:


There will be those who say, "Oh, it is our duty to receive as many as possible of these people and to share our prosperity with them, as we have so long been doing."  But suppose there are limits to our capacity to absorb.  Suppose the effect of such a policy is to create, in the end, conditions within this country no better than those of the places the mass of immigrants have left: the same poverty, the same distress.  What we shall then have accomplished is not to have appreciably improved conditions in the Third World (for even the maximum numbers we could conceivably take would be only a drop from the bucket of the planet's overpopulation) but to make this country itself a part of the Third World (as certain parts of it already are), thus depriving the planet of one of the few great regions that might have continued, as it now does, to be helpful to the remainder of the world by its relatively high standard of civilization, by its quality as example, by its ability to shed insight on the problems of the others and to help them find their answers to their own problems.


Kennan was writing about mass immigration more generally, but I think the same caution applies to the subset called "refugees" -- at least until our whole act is cleaned up, meaning an end to official multiculturalism, an insistence on assimilation, implementation of official English, etc.


Not that I think any of that is going to happen before the country is decisively ruined.  So I say, simply: No refugees.




Anonymous said...

Well,they're not how else do you make $$$ in the U.S.?Spit out keeds.


Anonymous said...

The height of statesmanship is to identify a problem or potential problem in advance and take proper measures to prevent the difficulty from even occurring in the first place.

These illegals are nothing but invaders and not immigrants who obey the law and come to the USA legally, peacefully, orderly.

Anonymous said...

Keenan would not even have imagined the numbers of illegals as being a possible.