Tuesday, October 10, 2023

liberal Harvard Jew Larry Summers, whom racist, anti-Semitic, feminazi faculty got fired as Harvard's president, is now shocked, shocked that it supports the massacre of the Jews of Israel

By A Colleague
tuesday, october 10, 2023 at 02:48:53 p.m. edt

Larry Summers, Harvard leftist Jew... SHOCKED.. SHOCKED


Summers sobbing.. dont they know.. MultiCulturalism is supposed to destroy Whites.. 'we nearly exterminated them at Harvard.. and now this... .. how did this happen?... Get "Obama" on the phone..now!'


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
A little history about the Crusades:


As pointed out in the article, White liberals wield the subject of the Crusades as a way of making Islam a victim of European Christianity. They completely ignore that the Crusades were a response to centuries of Islamic aggression and conquest against Europe.

Anonymous said...

"it supports the massacre of the Jews of Israel"

Who's "it"? Harvard? Harvard is an inanimate thing, an institution, a university. So has Harvard leadership said they "support the massacre of the Jews of Israel"?

Well no, actually not. It looks like Summers, a Jew, is upset because Harvard leadership has not said anything, or enough, not sure which, I guess to condemn Hamas. Or to "disassociate" itself from statements issued by student groups. So it seems student groups have said things Summers does not like. From the thread:

"Instead, Harvard is being defined by the morally unconscionable statement apparently coming from two dozen student groups blaming all the violence on Israel. I am sickened. I cannot fathom the Administration’s failure to disassociate the University and condemn this statement."

That's it.

I think most people are intelligent enough to distinguish Harvard, the university, from student groups, and not confuse what some students said with some kind of official position of the university. So Harvard is not being "defined" by what some students say.

Is the university supposed to monitor everything student groups say? And issue a statement whenever they say something Summers doesn't like? Maybe Harvard should set up a hotline so anyone anywhere can call in and request a statement condemning something a student group or maybe even a student said.

That is not exactly the same as Harvard "supporting the massacre of the Jews of Israel."

Summers is whining like an old woman.

Anonymous said...


Update(1612ET): The Syrian Army has fired missiles toward the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights Tuesday evening (local), breaking reports indicate. The Israeli Defense Force have confirmed the attack:

This raises the risk of a broader conflict which spirals, given the earlier exchange of fire in northern Lebanon between Israel and likely Hezbollah positions. Al Jazeera senior correspondent Zeina Khodr writes on the significance of the Golan mortar fire from Syria:

Rocket from Syria lands in Israel occupied Golan Heights- it was a matter of time before a message is sent to Israel from this front … "multi front assault possible".

GRA:Well it's a one,two,three,
Golan Heights looks like hell,
All the Arabs and Israel.

Well it's a 5,6,7,open up the pearly gates.
Ain't no time to wonder why,
Whoopee,bombs gonna fly.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Monica Obsorne, Editor at large at the Jewish Journal asks the question: Hamas Is Reportedly Using Rape as Warfare. Where Are the Feminists?


It's a very good question, the silence of Western Feminists is deafening but Osborn sidesteps a big part of the truth, closest she gets is this:

"It turns out that it's not rape these orgs care about; it's who is being raped, and whether these women meet their ideological criteria for qualifying as victims"

Yes, that's part of it, but it's also that Western feminists have been protecting Muslim and African rapists since forever, they only want White perps to focus on, they downplay or ignore black and brown rapists and even cover for them. Ms. Osborne should have stated that directly because I think on some level she knows, she just didn't have the guts to state it.

Anonymous said...

blm comes out in favor of Hamas(of course)

(ZH)At least two black Lives Matters (bLM) groups have made statements on X, formerly known as Twitter, making it very clear they support Hamas - the terrorist group who have now killed (reportedly) over 1,200 Israelis (including women and babies).
(GRA:"Including women and babies."I hate when media groups go for the "heartbreak angle".Women and babies' deaths should garner no more sympathy than old folks,middle age men or young males.)

blm Chicago posted an image:"I Stand With Palestine".

GRA:Arabs and blacks are cut from the same murderous cloth.


Anonymous said...

The urge to demonize Whites,who commit far fewer crimes than blacks and Mex,is done for the same reason that they make up sh*t about a whole litany of issues(from race,gay crap,climate and crime)--to have anarchy,which you can't have if Whites run things.


Anonymous said...

Their israeli is considered white by the Liberal in the leftist White seeking to dominate dark skin people. That is why they call colonization none of it is really true, but that is how the left perceive things the liberal and left to me is almost one and the same hand in glove.