Sunday, October 08, 2023

sen. John Kennedy gets moslem democrat federal judiciary candidate to perjure himself (video)

By N.S.
681,430 views oct 4, 2023

At today's senate judiciary committee hearing, sen. John Kennedy (r-la) pressed Mustafa Taher Kasubhai, nominee to be united states district judge for the district of oregon, about his past writings.


Anonymous said...

"Ask NOT what the Muslim judge will do for Americans,but what the Muslim judge will do TO Americans."
He'd be similar to black judges,das and police chiefs.They take care of their own.)


Anonymous said...

Look at that Senator Cotton to the right of Kennedy. Finding the exchange between the two men to be humorous. This Kennedy is tops.

Anonymous said...

Mustafa is quite the liar.Don't give him a job--lock him up for perjury.(He stutters a lot.)


Anonymous said...

That's very observant about Cotton.He found the absurd pronoun of "mx"(?)to be hilarious,along with the accent of Kennedy saying it.Okay,Kennedy and Blackburn's a no.Anyone else besides Cotton?