Friday, October 20, 2023

Israeli effort against hamas "may take up to a year: ground assault imminent

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, october 19, 2023 at 5:41:00 p.m. edt

"(zh) the Israeli military has a 'green light' to move into Gaza whenever it's ready, a member of the country’s security cabinet told abc news.

"hostages and civilian casualties will be secondary to destroying hamas, economy minister Nir Barakat told abc news, 'even if it takes a year.'

"and more dire threats from Israeli officials:

"asked about the miles of tunnels hamas has built under gaza, he said they’d become the 'world’s biggest cemetery.' hamas has claimed to be holding some or all of the 203 Israeli hostages it’s taken within that vast network.

"'we shall do all efforts to bring our hostages, to bring our hostages [back] alive…' he said, but the 'first and last priority' is destroying hamas."

GRA: If it takes that long, other countries will be joining in by then, one would assume, with unforseen consequences to follow.



Anonymous said...

Up to a year. Israeli society cannot from an economic standpoint have 300,000 troops mobilized without doing a lot of damage.

Anonymous said...

Well in Jewish years, that would not be one year ,but around 2 1/2 years,if going by the Jewish calendar as being 5784 and the Gregorian calendar being 2023.Sometimes you have to dig a little to find the truth,lol.


Anonymous said...

Since when do Zionist Jews care about other countries?