Monday, October 09, 2023

hamas kidnaps the hottest girl I’ve seen in years

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, october 9, 2023 at 7:29:00 p.m. edt

Noa Argamani, a 25-year-old china-born Israeli student, was kidnapped from a music festival in Israel when hamas terrorists attacked civilians with full force.

GRA: Gorgeous. In this case, not a good thing to be that hot. She will be raped to death. --GRA N.S.: Argamani reportedly screamed “Please, don’t kill me!” I suspect she came to regret that.

the moslems kidnapped two daughters from a family, one 16 and the other 13. The 13-year-old looked to be ten at the time. The picture of the 16-year-old looked considerably older, and she was stunning. Although I’ve seen both girls’ pictures all over the tv on different fake news channels, apparently, google has deleted her photo, because I can still see the pic of the 13-year-old and he grandmother. God forbid, the moslems might recognize her.

I’ve seen too many videos of weeping Israeli mothers begging for the moslems to return their children.

The Jewish abductees are almost certainly dead. And how do you “negotiate” with those who are waging war on you? “If you fight back, we will kill them all”?

During my childhood, Israeli mothers didn’t act that way. They sound like Americans. They should he shouting into the tv cameras, “We will make you die a thousand deaths, all while begging your pathetic, child-rapist allah for mercy!”

The Jews of Israel ain’t what they used to be. Americans ain’t what they used to be. Both countries have been usurped by their mortal enemies.


Anonymous said...

In the Islamic world capturing the enemy women and abusing them is a given as gotten from the religion. Think of the plight of the Yazidi women.

The Muslims will want to put an Arab baby inside of the Israeli girls. The victor gets to do with the enemy women as he want.

Anonymous said...

"the hottest girl I’ve seen in years"

You probably ought to leave the house more often.

"The Muslims will want to put an Arab baby inside of the Israeli girls."

Maybe. Rape during a conflict is far from unheard of.

But at the link below you can see a t-shirt printed for Israelis showing that if they shoot a pregnant Palestinian woman they kill two birds with one stone:

Some IDF soldiers have worn this t-shirt.

There is a lot of hate on both sides. It never ends, and there is no end in sight. Sad for the many who would be willing to live next to each other in peace.

Anonymous said...


(ZH)The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have announced they have completely sealed the border with Gaza amid continued body recovery operations and assessment of damage. This as Israel has newly announced that over 1,000 Israelis have been killed.

The IDF and Israeli officials are also for the first time taking foreign journalists to the scenes where the armed raids out of Gaza took place on Sunday, including to Kfar Azza, a kibbutz near the border where some 70 Jewish residents were killed. The IDF has denounced the "massacre" while giving foreign press a tour of the empties out settlement.

"It’s not a war, it’s not a battlefield, it’s a massacre," IDF Major General Itai Veruv was quoted as saying. "You see the babies, their mothers and their fathers, in their bedrooms, and in their protected rooms, and how the terrorists killed them — it’s not a war."

"It’s something that I never saw in my life," he said. "We used to imagine our grandmothers and grandfathers during the pogroms in Europe. It’s not something that we have seen in recent history."

Another one, Kibbutz Be'eri, was the gruesome scene of the recovery of at least 108 bodies, while the music festival in the desert where footage of the initial Hamas invasion was captured had at least 260 bodies.

Among the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the IDF said it had killed some 1,500 in Israeli territory, and these bodies are being collected too.

GRA:muslims and blacks are equally depraved.Your blackies could easily be seen attempting something like this on Whites in black run cities.


Anonymous said...

The Israeli Jew captives of Hamas will be given an option to convert or face death. The eternal plight of the Jew.