Thursday, October 19, 2023

"Liberal Society is a Factory for the Production of Dead Young White Women": What Natalee Holloway was Doing in the Days Preceding Her Death (Larry Auster speaks from the dead!)

By David in TN
thursday, october 19, 2023 at 11:25:50 p.m. edt

What Natalee Holloway was Doing in the Days Preceding Her Death


Here is what our late friend Lawrence Auster wrote on June 6, 2010 concerning the death of Natalee Holloway and the reason for it:

"I never followed the Natalee Holloway story, though I half-noticed Greta van Susteren covering it doggedly for, it seemed, years. Today, a friend asked me, what were high school students doing drinking in bars in Aruba? I did some checking, and contrary indications are that the age of drinking in bars in Aruba is 16 or 18, but that it's not enforced. In any case, Holloway's parents and high school allowed her and a bunch of high school seniors to go to a tropical island to 'party.' That's bad enough. But then I looked up Holloway at wikipedia and found this account of her behavior during her four days in Aruba."

"The wikipedia article told of the students engaging in 'wild partying, a lot of drinking, lots of room switching every night.' The local Holiday Inn told them they weren't welcome next year. Natalee drank all day every day. She started every morning with cocktails.

"Holloway was last seen leaving a bar with Joran Van der Sloot and his two Surinamese friends, the Kalpo brothers. She was never seen again. Outside the hotels and bars, Aruba is a Third-World shantytown."

Lawrence Auster concluded: "Have you ever heard of an 18-year old girl, apparently intelligent, drinking all day from morning to night? And no one stopped her. But we should not be shocked at that. The shocking thing, the thing that created the conditions that made her death possible, was not that no one stopped her drinking, but that the parents of Birmingham, Alabama (David in TN: Actually Mountain Brook, Alabama,an upscale suburb South of Birmingham) organized and paid for a trip for 124 high school seniors to go to a hotel on a tropical island for four days of drinking and sex. Unsupervised, uncontrolled behavior built into the nature of the trip. For the people of Birmingham to be shocked at Natalee's depraved drinking which led to her death, would be like putting a girl into a whorehouse, and then being shocked that she's become a whore."

"I've said it before, I'll say it again: liberal society is a factory for the production of dead young white women."




Anonymous said...

Quite the account.Makes my thought that she wanted romance,seem quaint.Instead,the way Auster told it,her vagina was out of service due to extreme overuse,so she had to beg off.

Bottom line:dead is dead,details are mostly irrelevant.


Anonymous said...

Your posting of Larry Auster's incisive commentary reminded me of what we lost when he passed away ten years ago. Thanks to Laura Wood his blog remains online today.

Anonymous said...

We have been watching old "Cold Case Files" on the internet. Although there are exceptions, an awful lot of the women who were murdered were loose women--party girls who slept around. That kind of lifestyle put them at more risk than those with conservative lifestyles. Furthermore, traveling alone is risky for women--even in this country--and it is insane to do the things some women do--like traveling alone in third world hellholes like Mexico. I read about a young woman from Seattle who decided to travel alone in Mexico and was never heard from again. Her bones are probably bleaching in some Mexican arroyo or she is a captive in a whorehouse.

Anonymous said...

White females taking a vacation anywhere in the Caribbean region in great danger. White females stay away from those places. As if they are going to listen.