Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Our Nation's Capitol: cvs drug store twenty block…

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
wednesday, october 4, 2023 at 05:27:06 p.m. edt Our Nation's Capital: CVS Drug Store Twenty Block…


Anonymous said...

With all the minorities taking federal salaries on Pennsylvania Ave.,under Biden,you can't call it the White House anymore.


Anonymous said...

"Twenty Blocks from White House"

This is another version of "Democrat run" cities. It doesn't matter how close to the WH it is. What matters is what kind of people live in the area. And just like "Democrat run" cities have lots of crime because there are lots of blacks there, this store was looted by black people because lots of them live nearby.

Crime is an issue of demography/race. While some political policies may make it worse or a little better, if you have a lot of blacks you will have a lot of crime. This is like a constant of nature.

Black kids of black parents in the upper/highest percentiles of income still have a statistically higher chance of being incarcerated than white kids of parents in the lowest income percentiles.

This is one of the worst things about today's conservative types: still tiptoe-ing around the issue of race. Cowardly and sad.

"Demographics is destiny"

Anonymous said...

All done as part of international criminal conspiracy. Shipping containers full of stolen stuff leave US ports each day to foreign destinations. Sold in bazaars and by street vendors.