Wednesday, October 04, 2023

" 'drunk' nj woman fired after telling german tourists on nyc-bound train to 'get the f--k out' of u.s.

'Drunk' NJ woman fired after telling German tourists on NYC-bound train to 'get the f--k out' of US

A New Jersey woman was fired after berating a group of German tourists on a New York City-bound train before telling them to "get the f--k out of our country," according to a video shared on Reddit.

She only did it because they were White. She'd never dare do that to blacks or hispanics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"She only did it because they were White. She'd never dare do that to blacks or hispanics."

No idea why she did it. Drunk people lose their inhibitions. They do stupid things all the time.

There may have been some kind of altercation or dispute.

She should not have been fired. Normally being intoxicated is a mitigating circumstance for something like that. You make allowances. Tell the person not to drink. Suggest they may have an alcohol problem and suggest they should seek help.

Another "Karen" for the media to write about instead of off the charts black criminality.