Saturday, October 21, 2023

cheap labor kills: Israel's work permits for gaza enabled the hamas attack

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

Only a few deeds go unpunished--this wasn't one of them.


Anonymous said...

Take two:Only a few GOOD deeds go unpunished--this wasn't one of them.

Anonymous said...

The way Israel treats Gaza like a large concentration camp probably also "enabled" it by stoking anger among young Arab men, who did also attack Israeli military installations despite the overwhelming firepower and manpower advantage normally possessed by the Israeli military.

Anonymous said...

Look at it this way.If you lived in an area that was all White(and safe)and across a heavily guarded border,were all blacks,would you allow these cutthroats to come in to your area?It's a bad situation--has been for centuries--and will be for centuries,unless one group wipes out the other.With all the Arabs over there,you'd think it'd be Israel that disappears,eventually--especially if the U.S.A. implodes.