Thursday, October 05, 2023

amtrak’s new high-speed trains are riddled with problems and years behind schedule

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
thursday, october 5, 2023 at 09:13:48 p.m. edt

amtrak’s new high-speed trains are riddled with problems and years behind schedule

amtrak’s new high-speed trains are riddled with problems and years behind schedule

"as of july, 12 of the 28 new acela trainsets had been produced, with every one of the 28 new cafe cars complete. All of them are defective, with amtrak finding 'some that require structural and design modifications and others that require sealant, drainage, or corrosion corrections.' amtrak had 125 open field modification instructions as of the report, meant to fix problems from rapidly delaminating floors and misaligned ceiling panel patterns in cafe cars to flaws that could impact operability.

Minority contractors hard at work effing things up.


Anonymous said...

The faster they go,the farther the debris field travels after the eventuality of an accident,


AbolishTenure said...

Sounds like the perfect trains for the president newsom's california bullet train project - whose cost is outta sight, $35 billion for a 171 mile "starter segment" - according to that radical right wing Trump mouthpiece, the l.a. times. Doing the Math it's $39,000 per foot. You kids in the baltimore public schools all got that, right?

Anonymous said...

Amtrak never gets it right and never will.

They have the high speed train 100 MPH between Chicago and St. Louis.

ONLY 20 miles of the 300 mile stretch of track that speed allowed however. ONLY 1/15 of the trip you can achieve high speed and they consider that a major accomplishment.