Wednesday, October 04, 2023

"a reader Is unsurprised that the 'pentagon official' arrested for dogfighting is black"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
wednesday, october 4, 2023 at 07:05:02 p.m. edt

"a reader is unsurprised that the 'pentagon official' arrested for dogfighting is black"


Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised anyone arrested for doing ANYTHING criminal is black.


Anonymous said...

Of course no one is surprised. People remember the Michael Vick case.

No idea what demographics of dog-fighting arrests are. But would not be a surprise if blacks and hispanics are over-represented there.

Shows how they scrape the bottom of the barrel to find blacks worth employing in these high positions. Also a reminder that without affirm action in govt jobs there would be no black middle class.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't surprised either--when I saw the headline I clicked on the article to verify that, sure enough, the dog-fighting creep was black.

Anonymous said...

Dog fighting is another one of the crimes almost exclusively a crime committed by the minority.

Heavy wagers placed on bets. This villain was too in a relatively high position in the Department of Defense. A man like that if too much in debt can be easily compromised by a whole bunch of bad actors.

That was the biggest thing about M. Vick too. Not so much the mistreatment of the dogs but the heavy betting. Exposes himself to the gamblers, bookies, organized crime.

Anonymous said...

This villain was being monitored on an encrypted app. They do not mention which app. Seems the encrypted app not so secure. And he was suspected for a while I think a valid conclusion. I bet that he and other DoD officials under some sort of surveillance when they use encrypted comms. Just the very use can raise suspicions.