Friday, September 29, 2023

arterio morris, dusky kansas basketball player, charged with rape

By "W"


Anonymous said...

[Morris, a former McDonald's All-American who transferred to Kansas from Texas in the offseason, was suspended from the program earlier this month after settling a misdemeanor assault charge with a plea deal stemming from another incident that allegedly took place in Texas.

"When we learned of allegations regarding Arterio Morris, he was suspended from the Kansas men's basketball program," KU coach Bill Self said Friday in a statement. "We are now aware he has been arrested and charged, and he was dismissed from the program. As this is an ongoing legal matter, we are not able to comment further at this time."]

Seems he was already suspended due to another case. Then dismissed when the new rape charge was made.

These public universities discredit themselves and insult taxpayers by admitting ghetto blacks to play sports. Almost all of them are of low intelligence and do not belong on a university campus.

Anonymous said...

The prep standpoint. Big overgrown negro kid can do nothing than else than shoot hoops. But whitey fans cheer when he slams dunk.

Anonymous said...

They've made a choice--this is their(the universities)attempt to civilize blacks.Obviously,"failures" will occur.As with the pro-immigration stance of Biden's administration,they are willing to have White people sustain a percentage of criminal activity--including rape and murder--from blacks,just as Whites suffer collateral damage from the invasion of mex, venezuelans,el salvadorans,etal.Now if blacks started attacking professors,chancellors and university hierarchy in higher numbers,their mindsets might change,but as of now,they feel immune from such crimes and will allow the carnage to continue.
(A lot of black crimes are covered up,btw.If major star players are caught,payoffs are made to individuals and families,however if settlements cannot be reached by "fixers",the stories find their way out into the press.


Anonymous said...

C'mon Arterio. Slam dunk and yang them hoops.