Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Giuliani Calls His Indictment, “An Honor”; Says, “This is a Fight for America”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, august 23, 2023 at 9:15:00 p.m. edt

Giuliani Calls His Indictment, “An Honor.” Says, “This is a Fight for America.”

GRA: Unfortunately, “America” has all the face cards (black), while America was dealt just low cards (red).


N.S.: Unfortunately for Hizzoner, whom I called new york’s greatest mayor, even as I exposed his fakestat scams in crime-fighting and “welfare reform,” he bears much of the responsibility for “America.”

Back when he was mayor (January 1, 1994-January 1, 2001), he supported illegal aliens, homosexuals, and routinely violated new yorkers’ 2A rights.

I wrote about all of these matters in 1999, in a loving yet critical, 2,200-word profile that Ted Pappas had commissioned for Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. The Boss joked at the time, “You work for what, a dollar an hour?” If only.

I had put in at least 150 hours of work (for an expected publication fee of $150), including multiple trips to the new york public library research wing (with the lion statues out front), to work through the newspaper morgue, regarding mayor John Lindsay.

But even though I’d been writing for Chronicles since 1992, and Pappas had run at least 12 of my articles (ten as N.S., and two whistle-blower reports on higher ed as “Robert Berman”) the profile never ran. After Ted had spent ten years carrying Thomas Fleming’s drunken butt, Ted had gotten hired as the executive editor of encyclopedia britannica, a job he still has, 24 years later.

Fleming “thanked” Pappas by killing my profile, refusing to pay me a “kill fee,” and only mentioning on the letters page that Ted no longer worked there.

Around the same time, a reliable source told me that Fleming had attended a meeting of the League of the South, at which he was in a state of extreme inebriation, and was cursing his head off. The head of the organization told him to stop cursing, Fleming refused, and the head slugged him.

I concluded that Ted had been the closest I came to having a “rabbi” at Chronicles.

I dunno why these editors screw me over. Do they really think I’d take it, without going public? Meanwhile, they treat their mediocre cronies royally.

If I ever find my old Giuliani ms., I’ll be sure to post it here.


Anonymous said...

And I thought Giuliani was against White replacement.Maybe no Whites are anymore.


Anonymous said...

Pay back sure can be a bitch, huh Nick?

Anonymous said...


GRA:I only watched highlights.Depending what news source you decided on to give you a summary of the "event",Zerohedge called it,"a huge victory for Donald Trump and the end for Ron DeSantis."
. Viveswamy,the Indian import,and the person being pushed by some,to be Trump's vice presidential nominee,received somewhat positive reviews--the others dismissed as typical GOP milquetoasts.

CNN gave a review of such hautiness and derision that it failed an objectivity test in the first paragraphs

Grousing that FOX News chose the "Rich Men North of Richmond" song to ask the first question about,CNN put down Whites as unessential people to talk about--with Republicans--the wrong party(because of color)--to lead such a diverse land.

That was the gist of the review:Why go through the motions of reviewing the debate which catered to White people only?GOP opinions about such topics as abortion,immigration(CNN said the GOP xenophobically thought of immigration as "an invasion")were dismissed as "right wing".

So the media has chosen Trump and Biden to run for POTUS again--and it's only August 2023--and Biden to win.Anything else is just filler.