Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Technical Difficulties, Part II

wednesday, august 23, 2023 at 09:29:34 p.m. edt
Technical Difficulties, Part II

Dear Mr. Stix,

Hi again. Regarding your site, there is good news and bad news.

The good news: the three recent stories you posted each has a working comments link that you can click on. (The fourth item from Revolver News just has a box at the end saying "Read More," which takes you to the original source; there is no comment link.)

The bad news: That's all there is--no previous stories below that, no earlier items in the right-hand column, no blogroll, just a blank screen.

Hope things improve soon.

As ever, your loyal reader,


N.S.: Thank you, LTR.

I'm doing what I can, which is generally limited to cutting out "fruit salad" code within posts. However, when that isn't enough to salvage the posts, comments, etc., I conclude that google sabotage is again at work.


Anonymous said...

I can imagine that the site of Nicholas is under attack by certain parties who hate the message of truth. A nuisance surely and even worse for devoted readers. Bookmark Nicholas and visit daily.

Anonymous said...

Ironically there were 5 comments listed after Part I of the Technical Difficulties--but I could not read them because, as is often the case, clicking on comments did nothing. Perhaps a reader who is a computer whiz can advise Mr. Stix on how to fix these frequent problems. This is the first site I read every day, but it is frustrating when I cannot read (or add to the comments) and when the last words of each line are cut off, I just give up trying to read the piece.

Anonymous said...

I'll suggest,if you read this on a tablet or computer,to try a smartphone,which seems to work for me,100% of the time.I ve got a cheapo Consumer Cellular phone which is fine for accessing NSU/WEJB without a hitch.My tablet?More of a problem sometimes,but by clicking the story in the upper right corner,you can see any story you want to--and comment.