Saturday, July 08, 2023

"Why ppp fraud investigations, including the $53m texas recycling ring, are surfacing now"

By A Texas Reader
saturday, july 8, 2023 at 09:50:29 p.m. edt

"in 2021, Dinesh Sah, 55, of Coppell, was sentenced to 11 years in prison after he applied for a $24.8 million ppp loan and received over $17 million. he applied using 15 businesses, many of which did not have employees and were registered after the cares..."

"Why ppp fraud investigations, including the $53M texas recycling ring, are surfacing now"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The Small Business Administration estimates its investigations have resulted in the recovery of $30 billion in fraudulent loans"

That's funny. So the fiat money created out of nothing and handed out to every fraudster with the nerve to apply was "recovered". They removed some digits from the account balances of the fraudsters.

Of course drawing and quartering is too good for the fraudsters. Especially anyone named "Dinesh Sah".

How did this idiot expect to get away with it? The money was a loan. It had to be paid back. How was he going to pay it back with fictitious businesses? Was he counting on the loans being forgiven?

Speaking of that, here are some interesting stories:

How many of the "principled Republicans" opposed to student loan relief have said anything about PPP loan forgiveness? Probably few.

How many fraudsters had PPP loans forgiven? Probably quite a few.

Politicians are such scum.