Saturday, July 08, 2023

Narrative Collapse: Tucker Carlson Says Capitol Police Chief Admitted “Jan6 [Ray Epps Day] Crowd Was Filled with Feds”

[“January 20, 2017 (J20) vs. January 6, 2021 (J6): A Study in Judicial Anarcho-Tyranny.”]

By Prince George’s County Ex-Pat
saturday, july 8, 2023 at 10:30:14 p.m. edt

“Narrative Collapse: Tucker Carlson Says Capitol Police Chief Admitted ‘Jan6 Crowd Was Filled With Feds’”

I told you so.

I know everything about Washington, D.C.

My cousin Ned served as a White House page during the LBJ administration.  He remains friends with LBJ’s daughters to this day.

My brother Brian worked as a surveyor on the Washington, D.C. Metro in the 1970s.

My late Aunt Nancy was a high school classmate of C&W singer Roy Clark. Both attended Anacostia High School many decades ago.

My late Uncle Jack was a Washington, D.C. homicide detective.

  Hell, even my oldest sister Yvonne shared a mutual acquaintance with Ronnie Moffitt.

My oldest cousin Linda used to live near American University.

My siblings and I used to swim at the pool at the Naval Research Lab when we were grade schoolers.

My father and his nine siblings were born and raised in a duplex on Raleigh Street in Southeast Washington.

My father worked for the War Department in D.C. as a computer programmer during World War II.

Three of my brothers attended Gonzaga High School in D.C.

Thanks to me, my high school classmates and I had our high school prom at the Kennedy Center. We were the first – and the last – class to do so.

My niece just graduated Georgetown University.

Last, one of my ancestors was a stone mason who helped complete the Washington Monument after the Civil War.

Why anyone could believe the official narrative about January 6 is beyond me.

D.C. has been an armed camp since 9/11.

No one could have “stormed” the Capitol on January 6.

Take it from someone who really, really, really knows D.C.

P.S. “Oh yeah, I forgot the Spirit of Saint Louis. My late Uncle Bill (uncle by marriage to Aunt Joan) stole the door handle to the Spirit of Saint Louis. He was an aviation mechanic many decades ago. He stole the door handle while the airplane was being restored by the Smithsonian. Look at old photos of the plane from the 1930s. The door handle is on the right-hand side of the plane. Then look at later photos of the plane in the Air and Space Museum. The door handle is missing.

N.S.: Like so many other great American cities, D.C. used to be chock full of native American talent.

I routinely censor PGCEP’s posts, because I’m afraid of him ending up like Orlando Letelier!


Anonymous said...

You're probably right,N.S.,but they probably know about all of us.Wait a minute,there's a knock on my door............................,.............................................



Nicholas said...

Thanks for my first laugh of the day, GRA. And that was a big one!

Anonymous said...

D.C. has been an armed camp since 9/11.

No one could have 'stormed' the Capitol on January 6."

Exactly what I have thought. DC and vital installations could be locked down in a second if need be. Not so?