Thursday, July 06, 2023

The disappearing of the flu: a case of fakestats

By N.S.

By Bill Jones
July 4, 2023

And in other news, The question is asked, Where did the flu go in 2021?

@Bill Jones
N.S.: Thanks. The “disappearing” of the flu was an extreme and classic case of fakestats.

More common have been cases such as big city police departments having cops write up hundreds of thousands (millions?) of incidents of aggravated assault or attempted murder (a largely since “retired” crime) as “misdemeanor” assault. This was taken to new, extreme levels by William Bratton and Rudy Giuliani in NYC.

Another “accomplishment” by Mayor Giuliani was “welfare reform,” whereby caseworkers would have welfare recipients fill out applications, whereby they would switch from welfare to “social security SSI.” Thus was the welfare caseload radically “reduced,” while each client got much more money.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that sumpthin'?Next thing you know,they'll be saying Biden had more votes then Trump in 2020.

--Bob Hope(a little slower these days.)


Anonymous said...

Fauci said that was because people wore masks. I doubt that very much.