Wednesday, July 05, 2023

10% of arrested rioters were foreigners – french interior ministry

By R.C.
wednesday, july 5, 2023 at 10:41:47 p.m. edt

10% of arrested rioters were foreigners – french interior ministry — rt world news

N.S.: More like 100%. If you ask them what they are, they'll tell you, "Algerian," "Moroccan," etc.


Anonymous said...

Standard line.
"These rioters aren't our citizens,they are foreigners."
How can you tell the difference--muslim is muslim.

In the U.S.floyd riots,absolutely zero people rioting in a particular city was from that city.

"They're not locals,"every mayor said.

So the negroes and antifa from Atlanta went to Chicago and Chicago's scum went to Atlanta.

Hilarious lie then and now,though the French haven't learned the art of exaggeration yet.


Anonymous said...

Virtually every country in Europe now does what the French no doubt do: count everyone with French citizenship as "French". Anyone without French citizenship (yet) is "not French".

All of these countries have liberalized citizenship laws and give out citizenship like candy to third-worlders. Syrians now make up the largest group currently being given German citizenship.

In many cases children born to migrants probably also receive citizenship automatically.

What's important is whether they have an immigrant background.

The real French, the Biofrench, should have listened to King Hassan II in 1993. He tried to warn them.

"Morocco's King Hassan II, interviewed on TF1 in 1993

On immigration, integration and multiculturalism."

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
How many of these "Frenchmen" live in insulated Muslim enclaves, worship Allah, speak better Arabic than French, have women that wear burkas, believe that Sharia law should be the law of the land everywhere and whose ultimate loyalties are more with their ancestral homeland than the country they currently reside? But some piece of paper says they are "French"?

Anonymous said...

They're about as French as blacks are Americans.A totally different mindset.


Anonymous said...

"They're about as French as blacks are Americans. A totally different mindset."

100 % so and without question. And never going to be any different.

Anonymous said...

And I bet most have an arrest record of some sort. Maybe even quite extensive.

Anonymous said...

20 % of these terrorists killed in Iraq and Afghan had an arrest record USA. Fingerprints were on file.