Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Best Parody of Carlee Russell’s kidnapping hoax so far

16 July, 2023

new york post

“I once stopped to pick up a stray puppy on the road and then found myself in Las Vegas for the weekend. Luckily, a plane brought me back to my home city on Monday. I was broke, exhausted, hungover but happy. It was difficult to describe my kidnapper (because of the alcohol) but she sure was pretty. I think her name was Monina.”


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
This guy claims she staged the hoax to get her boyfriend back who left her for a stripper:

Sounds as credible as anything else in this farce.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
This guy claims she staged the hoax to get her boyfriend back who left her for a stripper:

Sounds as credible as anything else in this farce.

I'm inclined to think it was some petty interpersonal issue that caused her to do this. Just wanted her boyfriend to feel sorry for her and get him back. If she was looking for a bigger stage and make some kind of social statement, she would have claimed it was a gang of MAGA hood wearing White guys that kidnapped her, then she would have had a legion of blacks and woke Whites saying it must have really happened. Every black, no matter how dim, understands the power of faking a hate crime. Even after they are disproved like Brawley and Smollett, you become a hero to certain people no matter how preposterous your story.

Anonymous said...

She said it was a guy with "orange hair".Who 's the most famous guy in "America" with "orange hair"?

I rest my case.


Anonymous said...

Okay,the baby "seen" on the highway is named Monina.

Sung to Corrina,Corrina by Ray Petersen


I saw Monina,
On a highway strip,
Talked to Monina,
On a highway strip,
But the baby I was seeing,
Was just a negro gyp.

Where did you go?

I moved on over,
Pulled off the road,
I moved on over,
Pulled off the road,
The next person that I made up,
Was an orange haired load.

Where did you go?

It's now been two days,
"Where have you been?"
It's now been two days,
"Where have you been?"
I made it up about Monina,
A negro hoax,you see.

A lie I to-o-o-o-ld,

A lie I told,
To Bellevue I go.
Where nutjobs get to go.