Thursday, July 13, 2023

texas: brainwashed parents support mutilating kids

By "W"
thursday, july 13, 2023 at 08:04:01p.m. edt

texas: brainwashed parents support mutilating kids

there is no such thing as "gender-affirming" surgical "care"

They are masters at this stuff.... "gender affirming"  "gender identity" "sex assigned at birth" "abortion care"  "gun safety laws"  "under-privileged"  "under-served"  "poverty-stricken" "discriminated against"  "isolationist"  "undocumented immigrant" etc., etc., etc. -- all fake concepts.

In the 80s, a short-lived conservative legislative strategy to impose some limits of federal court jursdictions was called "court-stripping." In this propaganda business, right-wingers are hopelessly out-classed.

N.S.: There is no such thing as "gender," except in languages.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Control the language and control definitions and you control the discourse whatever the nature. And move the "goalposts" of language and definition as you see fit to comport to your agenda.