Thursday, July 13, 2023

"Lisa Marie Presley's cause of death revealed"

By N.S.

"Presley died on Jan. 12 after suffering cardiac arrest. she was put on life support and 'coded multiple times' before she passed away that same day."

N.S.: She suffered a bowel obstruction, after weight-loss surgery. The article didn't say this, but bowel obstructions tend to lead to sepsis--internal poisoning.

When my brother-in-law, Meno, was in San Fernando ("Sando") General Hospital, years ago, a fellow patient was slamming himself into walls, in order to distract himself form the pain of a bowel obstruction. Eventually, the doctors got the guy so he could move his bowels, after a month, but by then it was too late. He died from sepsis.


Anonymous said...

Weight loss surgery?That's pretty sad,considering she never blimped out like Elvis.

Well uh,bless my soul,
Uh what's wrong with me,
I've gained 40 pounds,
From a hundred and three.
The doc said he'd fix me,
Put clamps in my gut.

You know what?
I'm all plugged up.

Mm--mm,mmm--hey hey.

(She was JUST at an awards show{Oscahs?} and had to be helped around.Couple days later,dead.

Now you KNOW Elvis would have gotten the clamp,so he could keep eating those Fried Peanut Butter and Banana sandwiches.)

Well uh bless my soul,
What's wrong with me?
I'm tipping the scales,
at three hundred and three.
They got a new procedure,
where they staple my gut.

You know what?
I'm all backed up.
Mm--mm,mmm--hey hey.

GRA:Like father,like daughter,but I have to say,they did all right for themselves--just died young.


Anonymous said...

A lot of those surgeries done in Mexico very cheaply. Quite often a high failure rate. Even if you don't die you become sickly the rest of your life.