Monday, July 10, 2023

Some of the lies the evil media tell the public, in order to protect racist, black cut-throats

By N.S.

This is the world of self-defined “allies,” Lügenpresse division, who will lie about everything, even the time of day. (Since at least 2016, they’ve even lied about the phrase, “Lügenpresse,” asserting it’s a “Nazi-era phrase,” when it actually goes back to circa 1848.)

My former VDARE editor, James Fulford, long ago dug up the fact that the new york times imposed its policy of protecting black cut-throats way back in 1946. That policy unwittingly revealed just what a plague black crime had been in new york city long before 1946.

Old gold from the late, great Colin Flaherty, may he rest in peace.

Before the Red Witch (aka the Big C) came for him, it seemed to me as if Colin worked 25/8.

I met him at the ominous, last New York City VDARE Christmas after-party, in December, 2019. When we were introduced, I told him, “You’re one of my sons!”

When I went to pay my bar tab, I learned that he’d paid it on his way out of the restaurant. Thanks, Colin, wherever you are!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've asked innumerable times before,but what purpose is there for media to "protect" the most worthless segment of our society,which includes:covering up their crimes,excusing their criminality and general way of living and pushing for "equality" with Whites,when blacks aren't CLOSE to being equal to us in so many areas of behavior,intelligence and ingenuity.