Wednesday, July 19, 2023

“Russell the only caller reporting a toddler on the interstate” (the Carlee Russell kidnapping hoax)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, july 18, 2023 at 10:45:00 a.m. edt

“(wvtm13) police said Russell was the only caller to report a toddler along the interstate thursday night.

“She was on her way home from her job at the Woodhouse day spa in the summit, stopped to get food at the colonnade and was about 10 minutes from her house, according to her parents, Talitha and Carlos Russell

“Carlee Russell then stopped to check on the child and called a family member, according to police. the family told investigators that they lost contact with her, but the phone line remained open.

“when police arrived, they found Carlee Russell’s car and belongings, but there was no sign of her or a toddler.

“police have not been able to locate anyone with Carlee Russell from the time she left where she picked up food to the time she made the 911 phone call.”

GRA: Just plain nuts? That’s a third explanation.


N.S.: What’s the second? I’ve got that she sought fame and money, as the first.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, july 18, 2023 at 2:17:00 a.m. edt

Why didn’t she call her boyfriend? Either he’s involved in this 100% (for publicity) or she was meeting another negro under the guise of this convoluted scheme.

Where was the boyfriend all this time? She calls her brother’s girlfriend? Riiiight.


N.S.: Note that Ted Verity’s daily mail turned the boyfriend’s sister into a “relative.”

Previously, on this black hoax:

“alabama woman, Tawana, ‘who stopped to help toddler on highway was kidnapped and fought for her life…’”;

“Watch the highway video of the Tawana Brawley, er, Crystal Gail Mangum, er, Jussie Smollett, er, Carlethia ‘Carlee’ Nichole Russell hoax: find the toddler!”;

“Carlethia ‘Carlee’ Nichole Russell Says she can’t talk to police to describe ‘kidnappers’; she needs time to rest and recuperate from her ordeal; where have we heard that before?”

“Breaking news: Update on the Carlee Russell hoax: something stinks in alabama—cops return reward money to donors in Carlee Russell ‘kidnapping’ (perp photo)”;

“Carlee Russell kidnapping hoax update: nnn covers the story—almost like a real news organization; perp’s mother reveals herself to be as wicked as her daughter”; and

“‘no child was heard,’ as Carlee Russell talked on a cellphone, on the highway.”]


Anonymous said...

2nd is cheating.Meeting someone.


Anonymous said...


GRA:Well,blacks across the country have thrown in the towel--she's a confirmed liar.Now listen to their standard reply.
So Carlee Russell lied about being kidnapped? Unfortunate to hear but there’s still about 13,000 black women who are really missing in the U.S who have had little to no coverage & need help. Let’s talk about it.

GRA:Okay nigg*r,why are they missing?Three quarters must be in nignapville--dead--killed by blacks either while hooking or the boyfriend just got sick of them.The others were taken by black pimps and work the streets.

Since no blacks squeal on crime--go ask all the blacks why they clam up after murders and disappearances?

What else do you want to talk about?


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Possible serial killer arrested in the progressive paradise of pdx:|24519487|Police%3A%20Suspected%20Portland%20Serial%20Killer%20Was%20Released%20From%20Prison%20Early%20by%20Former%20Oregon%20Governor|

His name is James Lee Calhoun and is a 38 yr. old White man who was released early from prison for good behavior. There was a string of mysterious deaths of young women but police released statements denying it was the work of a serial killer. Now they are saying:

"According to a source close to investigations, it was “premature” to dismiss any connections among the cases"

So still not much info from police but we'll see what comes out about this guy.

Anonymous said...

Marc Lamont Hill
I feel no shame or regret for believing Carlee Russell was missing. I still hope she receives whatever support she needs. Instead of making jokes or feigning embarrassment, let’s commit to finding the hundreds of thousands of Black women and girls who remain unfound and ignored.

GRA:"Lamont,you a big dummy."


Anonymous said...

An obvious sociopath.He can turn on the charm and then...after he fools you--even for years--his true self comes out. Much less White sociopathic felons than black,though many White s'paths go into politics and business.Different strokes for different sociopathic folks.