Thursday, July 13, 2023

“Buggery is a job that Americans won’t do”; Heavens to stereotypes! restaurant workers found “dozens of unconscionable videos and pictures of children,” including drugged boys as young as nine being raped by illegal alien soccer coach

By a Texas Reader
thursday, july 13, 2023 at 04:16:02 p.m. edt

“In a sunday press release, police disclosed that the restaurant workers found 'dozens of unconscionable videos and pictures of children.' these included numerous videos showing Campos allegedly raping unconscious boys between the ages of approximately 9 a...”

"UPDATE: tennessee soccer coach arrested for drugging and raping multiple children identified as an illegal immigrant, police confirm"

“Buggery is a job that Americans won’t do.” – George “Dubya” Bush


Anonymous said...

This sh*t should NOT be happening.The
wetbacks shouldn't be a)allowed in our country--or b) put in charge of kids.Jeezus,doesn't anyone know about these south of the border sickos?To appear non-racist,the school allows the pervs to destroy kid's lives.I hope the lawsuits put the school(s)out of business.


flyingtiger said...

This is why we have open borders. To encourage this.

Anonymous said...

Illegal alien too. And no one ever bothered to check his background for being around kids.

Anonymous said...

They caught this one.Just like priests,however,these south of the border pervs number in the thousands.