Sunday, July 23, 2023

mudshark alert: white females coupling with dusky basketball players

Sunday, July 23, 2023 at 03:58:17 PM EDT


Anonymous said...

Two years--tops--it will last.I don't know who's more stupid--the NBA player,or the hottie chicks.Let's call it a tie.


Anonymous said...

Trae Young is the latest NBA star to say 'I do' as the Atlanta Hawks guard married his long-time girlfriend, Shelby Miller.
black wedding "vows"

"I,(fill in name),as soon as I'm on a road trip,will faithfully cheat on you with as many White bee-atches as I can,without injuring myself and causing an interruption in my paycheck.

Within a year,I will accuse YOU of cheating and promise to assault you (while pregnant,if possible),and either throw your favorite things out in the yard during a fight or destroy them outright.I expect complete submission and if my needs aren't met,a divorce with pre-arranged small money amounts to be paid to you for no more than six months.

I do.

Anonymous said...

The life-long meal ticket. Sorta like OJ and Nicolle. Tydus is one year old. Offspring of the one "couple". Tydus to me his eyes appear to be spaced too far apart.

When the career of shooting hoops is over and the gravy train stops flowing, watch out then.

Anonymous said...

I believe that White women who fool around with blacks are called, "coal burners."

Anonymous said...

You're not really upset about interracial couplings in the media you don't like Bm Ww couples. If interracial couples really bothered you, you'd discus how Wm Bw couples are everywhere in the movies &TV ,and have been for years. Black women & White men can be in close proximity everywhere, NO one complains, White men and Black women can star together romantically in award winning movies, but you lose no sleep over that, I notice that the basketball player who bothered you the most was the biracial trae young and his son's eye's that are "too close" biracial men bother you much more then dark skinned black men.

Anonymous said...

Personally,I only see bm/Ww couples on bank ads,about twice so far.Madison Avenue isn't pushing that,because White men won't go for it--no matter what advertising or subliminal messaging they're going to send.White men want White women.White women,on the other hand,have been manipulated by shows like "The Bachelor" to give blackies a break.The difference is,the blackies in their local cities are not like the blacks on tv shows(which are fake personas anyways),so they fall in with a black lowlife and suffer anything from drug addiction to murder at the hands of bm.Most Ww under 30 probably have no idea--from watching tv--how downright evil bm are.Unfortunately,they find out the hard way,by getting assaulted,knocked up and murdered.

I believe TV is responsible for any Ww under 30 who was killed by a bm,because of the irresponsible way tv portrays bm.


Anonymous said...

"I notice that the basketball player who bothered you the most was the biracial trae young and his son's eye's that are 'too close'"

To far APART not too close.

That ratio of black men with whitey wimmen about 400:1 compared to whitey men with black wimmen.

Don't forget the instances of whitey men with oriental wimmen. That is the preferred choice by the ad agencies.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I've been with black women, as I've posted about, but I didn't get together with them with any kind of negative intent toward anybody, it's just something that happened in the course of my life. My attitude toward black men and white women was formed living in the progressive paradise of pdx where you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a black male/white female couple walking around. I've heard Portland being referred to as the center of interracial dating but that sort of thing leaves out it's about 95% black men/white women. Rarely do I see a white man and black woman, it happens but only once in a while. I've been to other major cities and the skewed interracial dating pattern isn't nearly as extreme. I think it's because of the type of women who live in Portland. A lot of young woke types with blue hair move to Portland, and those are the types that stay, plus they tend to be more hefty than average and have a lot of resentments toward White men, which motivates them to get with black guys for revenge. I pick up on that message all the time, they'll go way out of their way to be seen by White guys to let them know exactly what they are doing. Next to that is the high percentage of lesbians, they are very similar to the overweight blue haired types in that they are bitter toward (especially White) men for their social anxieties and failures, and lesbianism becomes the perfect revenge.
When you encounter enough of those kind of B&W couples along with man hating lesbos and it's clear their primary intent is to spite you as a White man, it's hard to form a very positive attitude toward them.

Anonymous said...

Correction:I only see Wm/bf on banks ads--not bm/Wf.


Anonymous said...

"You're not really upset about interracial couplings in the media you don't like Bm Ww couples"

My friend, you are either a troll, mentally deranged, or your perception of reality has no resemblance to USA society as it is now.

I must admit I did reexamine the image of Tydus again very closely and I must admit his eyes do not appear spaced too far apart. Tydus seems to be more or less normal.