Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Maryland father who died in fatal fireworks incident to be remembered by community at fedex field

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
wednesday, july 12, 2023 at 11:23:44 p.m. edt

Maryland father who died in fatal fireworks incident to be remembered by community at fedex field


Anonymous said...

Another obituary about a stupid black--by a tv station--which should be none of their concern.He EFFED up playing with fireworks.Leave it at that.

And Darwin smiled.


Anonymous said...

"Maryland father who died in fatal fireworks incident to be remembered by community at FedEx Field"

"Maryland father". Only 21 y/o and the media chooses to highlight that he was a father. Interesting.

Generally "father" is meant to evoke some respect. You know, like Fred MacMurray in "My Three Sons". The media obviously goes to absurd lengths to feature the positive about black males, no matter how difficult that is and how hard to spot those positives are. It's laughable, honestly.

The media *really* does not want people thinking too much about what the country would be like were it full of black males. That is not a pretty picture.

21 y/o and already a father. That is likely more common among Blacks than other races. Was the child born out of wedlock? That is almost a certainty. Did he finish high school? Did he have a job?

"Mr. Hammond told FOX 5 that Damon was striving to be a good father."

Ok, if you say so.

Anonymous said...

Look at the image of reported Section 8 "families": 91% black, 94% female head of household.

There are good reasons having a baby out of wedlock was so heavily stigmatized in the past: of course one reason was to discourage it. Another is that such women are far more likely to be wards of the state.

The average black single mother probably has an IQ of 85 or less. Might as well be a farm animal.

Apparently this is the bill:
"Relating to prohibiting housing discrimination by a property owners' association against a residential tenant based on the tenant's method of payment."

It says "Effective on 9/1/23".

Would Abbott sign such a bill? Is his signature necessary?

On the above site it says "Effective on 9/1/23 Filed without the Governor's signature"

So you live in a nice area and then it's invaded by Section 8 trash straight from the ghetto. And there's nothing you can do about it. The ambience and quality of life would go right into the toilet.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
White woman in Ft. Worth Texas has been falsely accused of racism because she objected to her neighbor bringing black men to a swimming pool in a 2,000 dollar month apt. complex:
When I said "black" men, I'm only using the language in the article which is written in a way that suggests her issue with them was race, not that they didn't belong there. I scanned through the article and could find nothing where she made any slurs or suggested being black was why she didn't want them there, but she clearly stated they didn't pay to live there so shouldn't be using the pool. I don't know what the apt. rules are and whether a renter is allowed to bring guests or not so it's unclear if she had a legit complaint. Article stated that there were no details about what precipitated the incident but I wouldn't be surprised if the black guys may have been acting like...well, black men act when they get around an attractive White woman in a bikini and she reacted negatively. Most White women try to ignore that behavior or go along with it so as to not seem "racist' but if this woman took a stand, I'm 100% on her side. She's gone viral as a "karen" because of the racial angle, but that's the internet nowadays, people don't care about details, they just want to virtue signal.

Anonymous said...

"In Maryland, all fireworks are illegal, including gold label sparklers, snap-and-pop noise makers, snakes, and party poppers, except for authorized displays conducted by licensed pyrotechnic professionals with a permit."

Lee-Otis done messed up.

Anonymous said...

Instead of "father" the headline should should read "jizz donor," a more accurate term from the now-extinct blog