Thursday, July 13, 2023

another San Fran eatery closing

By “W”
thursday, july 13, 2023 at 05:30:59 p.m. edt

another San Fran eatery closing

they voted for them

wherever there are negroes, spics, and druggies, there is danger.


Anonymous said...

La Cocina SOUNDS bad,though it means "kitchen".


Anonymous said...

Other restaurants to close include:
The Hungry Orifice
The Salad Tosser
You Can't Beat Our Meat
Homo's Restaurant
Lesbo Lunchhouse and Gay Grill
The Queer Duck
Odie's Corner Eats(drug reference)
"The Rest Your Rump--Take a Dump"Outside Cafe

Didn't make it.


Anonymous said...

Many long time establishments closing San Fran Freako. Usually when the business people make serious complaints to the political establishment some serious listening is done. Not now.