Saturday, July 08, 2023

Can you say, “lesbian”? "two women, convicted of beating their [?] 8-year-old son and locking him for months in a dark room with no bed, furniture, toys or toilet..."

By R.C.
saturday, july 8, 2023 at 12:34:45 p.m.

"toms river - two women, convicted of beating their 8-year-old son and locking him for months in a dark room with no bed, furniture, toys or toilet were ordered friday to be locked in prison cells for years.

Can you say, “lesbian”?

I knew you could.


Anonymous said...

"Le...le...le...let's take our country back."

--Jimmy Stewart trying to say the word.


Anonymous said...

"People who say they are sorry after the fact are only sorry they got caught."

From a comment to the yahoo article. Indeed 100 % correct.