Saturday, July 15, 2023

“America” (GRA) is a nation of immigrant… murderers; moslem war criminal murdered one White cop, and attempted to slaughter several more cops and firemen

War crime victim Jake Wallin, 23, was slaughtered in a terrorist attack on july 14, 2023. Lest we forget.

By A Texas Reader
saturday, july 15, 2023 at 10:10:24 p.m.

"Zibolski named the suspect [sic], who was shot during the incident and later died at a hospital, as 37-year-old Mohamad Barakat of Fargo."

More imported dog—it.

“There are jobs that Americans won’t do.”

“Fargo man.”

moslem terrorist Mohamad Barakat slaughtered Officer Wallin, wounded the next two, and was put down by the fourth. No picture could yet be found of Barakat.


Anonymous said...

These guys(cops) SHOULD BE slowly driving down White populated streets,patrolling the lack of crime.Oh,maybe the occasional domestic or drunk event,but not armed minorities out in force,looking to kill a cop every night.I remember the quiet street I grew up on,in fact,our streets were quiet for miles around,until you got to where the original ghetto was:Division and Hall--8 or 9 miles away.It wasn't that big an area,the ghetto,back then,maybe a few blocks,long and wide.Now,the entire city,basically,is a ghetto.


Anonymous said...

I would like to know more about this bad guy Barakat. It is all under wraps at this point?