Sunday, August 02, 2020

Could Ellen Degeneres Get Cancelled?

By Jerry PDX
Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 2:17:00 A.M. EDT

My first real paycheck job was in 1976 at International House of Pancakes at the tender age of 16, bussing tables and washing dishes. I'll never forget the owner/manager, Ray D. First thing I heard him yell when I walked in the door my first day was, “If I catch the employee who let that meat spoil, I’m gonna break his arm!” He had a magazine article posted on the bulletin board that had the title: “Tough bosses get results!”

I worked hard to earn his respect and within a year, at the tender age of 17, he wanted me to work as his assistant manager. I knew restaurant work wasn’t in my future, though, and declined but did learn some valuable lessons about the rewards of hard work.

I remember a black woman applying for a waitress job and Ray pointed at her and told me: “Never hire blacks; they don’t want to serve whites. It never works out when I try.”

A boss like that would never survive in today’s work environment, and while I do think Ray went over the line sometimes, nowadays cancel culture goes even farther over the line of being reasonable.

I wrote this because of the headlines about Ellen Degeneres and how her show and whole career are now in jeopardy, because she has allegedly fostered a “toxic” work environment on the set of her show. I’m reading things about how she’s “not nice,” she’s cold and gives preferential treatment to A listers (doesn’t everybody do that?). There’s other things but it’s mostly vague nebulous sounding accusations that sound a lot like a boss maybe just wanting to get things done without a lot of pointless massaging of people’s egos and feelings.

Now I’m not really defending Ellen because I like her, I don’t. I can’t stand to look at her, she’s one of those unfunny “diversity” comedians and a leftwing ideologue that has been pushing cancel culture, the very thing that is now biting her in the butt. I do enjoy it when the likes of Ellen get this kind of comeuppance, it is justice in a roundabout kind of way but I also hate to see a win for cancel culture and this kind of insane hypersensitivity to “feelings.”


Anonymous said...

She won't get cancelled even if photos are uncovered of Degeneres wearing a dildo,violating every woman in her studio audience--plus her employees.Different rules for queers,lesbians,nigs,illegals and Muslim--they get a pass.
Straight whites would have been on the unemployment line last week.

Anonymous said...

"Toxi" as maybe coming on to the other women in a lesbian manner?

Anonymous said...

Ellen is NOT popular and only has a "career" because she is a militant lesbian. Her original network show was cancelled after one season; her daytime show, per Variety quite some years ago, has ratings so miniscule they barely register. And of course, Disney, a leader in promoting homosexuality to children, gave her a voice role that anyone could have performed in an animated film they knew would be a big success. That's what seemingly made her into a "star."