Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Queering of Poland Has Hit a Speed-Bump, as Poles Create "gay-free" Zones

By "W"
Sun, Jul 19, 2020 3:33 p.m.

Poles Create "gay-free" Zones


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
For a second there I read that as "Portland" and my heart leapt! One could only wish...

Anonymous said...

I heard it's up for grabs in your city.NNN had a full 5 minutes on Portland's BLM insanity tonight--Fed troops are in,lawsuits being filed against Trump to kick them out.What's it like,Jerrypdx?

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
barely noticed a thing, unless you go to certain areas you don't see it. Not as many as these Antifa/BLM nutjobs as the media makes it sound.

Anonymous said...

Poles by and large are very religious. They live their faith.

Anonymous said...

"Not as many as these Antifa/BLM nutjobs as the media makes it sound."

99.9 % of those in Portland go about their business in a normal fashion.

Of course the bolsheviks in Russia were also a small minority.