Sunday, July 19, 2020

negro Tells Deputies His White Grandmother was Killed in a Drive-By Shooting; Now He's Charged with Her Murder, and the media are in Cover-Up Mode

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Jul 19, 2020 3:13 p.m.

negro Man Tells Deputies His White Grandmother was Killed in a Drive-By Shooting, Now He's Charged with Her Murder

ATR: Earlier stories showed a negro male suspect.

Funny, but now that the deceased grandmother has been identified as White, all "news" outlets have "blacked" out photos of the perp.


Anonymous said...

Very funny--hilarious in fact.These are the people who are supposed to be treated EQUALLY,according the MSM and our colleges and politicians--in spite of the fact that blacks are 10 times dumber than the squirrels that run across my lawn.

Anonymous said...

Blackout of the black faces even including the whitey grandmother.