Friday, June 19, 2020

White Cop Calls for Justice for Heinous Murder Committed by Blacks, Gets Fired

By R.C.
Thu, Jun 18, 2020 8:59 p.m.

A northwest Georgia part-time police officer was fired following community outcry over a Facebook post that called for the hanging of five black convicts in a heinous murder case from 2016.

R.C.: Hanging.


What's the difference?


Anonymous said...

Five thugs. Elderly woman. Burned to death. Home invasion. They all need to be executed. And look at the sentences. Relatively mild for the nature of the crime. The officer is right.

Anonymous said...

"It is important that everyone understand Officer Dunn certainly enjoys the First Amendment right to post his opinions,” the police department said in a Facebook post. “However, when those posts or opinions detract from his ability to effectively serve the community, it is in the best interest of the community that he no longer be assigned those duties.”
Since the police do not mete out prison or death sentences to convicts,how does his opinion detract from serving the community?All he does is arrest people.Let's hope he finds a great lawyer and an even better judge to overturn his dismissal.
--GRA--I'm a white survivalist