Friday, June 19, 2020

“Uncle Tom”? The Wit and Wisdom of Larry Elder

[“Booker T. Washington & W.E.B. DuBois: A Black History Month Moment.”]


There are tons of great videos out there. My reluctance is always because of the time involved (I prefer reading a transcript).

Anyway, this is hellacious (see video below).

I first became aware of Larry Elder when I made a trip back to LA from [deleted for anonymity] in late 1994. In the rental car, I had KABC talk radio on while I drove south to Orange County. There was this well-spoken guy saying wildly non-politically-correct things (before “political correctness” had become such a common term). It took me awhile, during that drive, to grasp that this was a black man talking. (He has none of the black patois.)

In this video, he mentions illegal aliens at several points (and that’s what he calls them) as having a deleterious effect on black and brown Americans. He tells a very interesting story about the small city of Rialto, California’s cops. He favors the philosophy of Booker Washington over that of W.E.B. Dubois. Superb throughout. (The occasion is that he’s being interviewed about a documentary, “Uncle Tom,” that he directed (produced?) that’s supposed to be released tomorrow.)

Why are Black Conservatives Called Uncle Tom?—Larry Elder Talks George Floyd Protests [sic] & New Film
•Premiered 8 hours ago


American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times
206K subscribers

Are police actually using deadly force disproportionately against black people? And how does the focus on police overshadow other monumental problems facing black America today? Why is believing that, black lives matter, not the same as supporting the Black Lives Matter organization? And, why are black conservatives often excluded from mainstream public awareness and discourse? In this episode, we sit down again with radio talk show personality and bestselling author Larry Elder, who hosts The Larry Elder Show for The Epoch Times. He is the executive producer of the new documentary “Uncle Tom.” This is American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸, and I’m Jan Jekielek. #georgefloyd #blacklivesmatter #racism


Anonymous said...

There's only one group of people who I trust less than whites who talk black--and that's blacks who talk white.
There's only one group of people less important to me than whites who support black causes and that's blacks who support white causes.
Yes,Larry Elder and Candace Owens(who just got married to a white,British guy)say the right things,but the bottom line is--who cares? 99.9999% of blacks do not--and will not--EVER think the way those two outliers do.Elder and Owens have cornered a niche in entertainment/political news,but what ANY black says is meaningless,it's what whites say--and allow to be said and done-- that matters.

If all the SJW blacks,who dredge up every grievance they can think of against whites,were told by white CEOS,politicians and TV newspeople-"Shut up!!"--that would be the end of it.If the whites in power,didn't get on their knees and support BLM,there would be nowhere for blacks to go,this entire episode would end rather abruptly.

I have no interest in blacks like John James,who is running as a Republican in Michigan.To me,voting in a black Republican is voting in a black--period.Race trumps a supposed party affiliation in my book--James could well be a lying,niche seeking black,but if he isn't,I don't care--I want a white person over a black in position of power ie.,police chief,political office,CEO--preferably pro-white of course.But we know, a black in power will only govern for blacks,pure and simple--even if running as a conservative GOPer.

The gist of the matter is,whites who support black anarchy, are the real problem whites face for the future and blacks who support a white run America are not a solution to that problem--or even a factor in that solution.
--GR Anonymous--I'm a white survivalist

Anonymous said...

"He favors the philosophy of Booker Washington over that of W.E.B. Dubois."

Larry believes black can improve their lot by individual effort. But blacks will just not do so. They are happy with their lot and station in life. Happy like a hog rolling around in shit. Never going to change.