Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Three Bad Supreme Court Decisions

Tue, Jun 16, 2020 1:36 p.m.

"W": The one concerning homos and trans has gotten lots of attention. Hadn't known about the other decisions concerning gun rights and illegal alien "sanctuary" policies.

Leave it to Putin-funded to clarify things:

Re. Supremes pro-Gay-Lez-Trans decision. From ... to his Congressperson...

Three Bad Supreme Court Decisions

I called my Congressman.. I asked him.. “since no human in history has ever switched from being a man to a woman or vice versa...I am being forced to accept as real something that has never existed.

If I do not lie and I insist in reality the full weight of the State and its courts, jails and police will come down on me taking everything I own including my freedom and my life. Can you please help me understand what lies the Government wants me to repeat?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Leave it to Putin-funded to clarify things"

Either RT or the English tabloids.