Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Bye-Bye, Aunt Jemima; We'll Have to Find a New Brand of Pancake Syrup

By A Texas Reader
Wed, Jun 17, 2020 9:20 a.m.

Reports: Aunt Jemima to Rebrand with New Name, Packaging Image




Change the name to Uncle Tom's Syrup, and put Barack's photo on it.


Anonymous said...

Aunt Teefa.

Anonymous said...

Just buy genuine maple syrup instead.

Anonymous said...

Even Aunt Jemima. Even her.

Anonymous said...

(Breitbart)Ava DuVernay has issued an ominous warning to white men who work in the entertainment industry, telling them that she and other powerful black producers may choose not to hire them if they criticize or question diversity in ways that “diminish” people of color.

The Selma filmmaker tweeted her threat on Wednesday in response to a Twitter thread alleging that multiple white males in Hollywood have complained about a recent Facebook post in which a black editor was specifically seeking out other black editors for professional opportunities.

Some of the commenters complained that the request was discriminatory toward white people, according to screenshots from the Facebook group.

“Everyone has a right to their opinion. And we — Black producers with hiring power — have the right to not hire those who diminish us,” Ava DuVernay tweeted. “So, to the white men in this thread… if you don’t get that job you were up for, kindly remember… bias can go both ways. This is 2020 speaking.”

Ava DuVernay

Everyone has a right to their opinion. And we - Black producers with hiring power - have the right to not hire those who diminish us. So, to the white men in this thread... if you don’t get that job you were up for, kindly remember... bias can go both ways. This is 2020 speaking. …

Nicole French
Today, a black film editor posted in a Facebook group for Hollywood editors looking to connect w/other black editors, as there is severe underrepresentation in post-production & they can be hard to find. What ensued is a slew of white editors who immediately objected (THREAD) 1.

11:49 AM - Jun 17, 2020
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The Twitter thread features screenshots intended to shame certain white men for their criticism of the initial Facebook post. “Lol. This is so illegal,” one commenter wrote. Another commenter noted: “This is complete horseshit. And I would have the same opinion if someone specifically asked for a white editor.”

DuVernay has become one of Hollywood’s most outspoken voices on race since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the ensuing #BlackLivesMatter protests and riots. She has voiced support for the #DefundThePolice movement, calling for police departments around the country to be stripped of taxpayer funds used for certain armed responses.

Ava DuVernay

This is what #DefundThePolice means. Don’t let white nationalists and Trump make you afraid of the term. Be more evolved.

Defunding police means defunding armed responses to issues that don’t need a gun. Building healthier, more humane responses instead.
GRA:And that is a preview of how black militants will treat whites--in ALL fields of endeavor--as they are allowed(by WHITEY)to gain more power.It is self-destructive decisions that whites have made,to let blacks be in charge,which may cost many thousands or millions of whites their lives in the not so distant future.
You could almost hear a faint(or not so faint)suggestion,by Duvernay,of a complete rejection of whites as people who matter.One could easily see a person like Duvernay--with extreme racist hate of whites permeating her being,volunteering for the job of loading whites into gas chambers--eliminating them as irritants from her life.
She's one to watch,to see how her speech evolves and also,which political person she chooses to align herself with.Abrams and DuVernay would be a foreboding black cloud formation.The sirens would have to be sounded by all whites who care about their futures if that were to occur.
--GR Anonymous--I'm a white survivalist