Monday, June 15, 2020

Pat Buchanan: Cancel the White Men—and What's Left?

Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Mon, Jun 15, 2020 7:18 p.m.

Patrick J. Buchanan: Cancel the White Men—and What's Left?

PGCE-P: Robert E. Lee’s ultimate loyalty was to the United States.

Petraeus is a globalist.

For Christ’s sake, the philandering a--hole wrote a paper for the CFR on the North American Union.

I have had family members who fought for both sides during the Civil War. On my father’s side I am a lineal descendant of the sister of Confederate Army General JEB Stuart. And on my mother’s side I am a lineal descendant of Admiral John Worden, commander of the Union ironclad the USS Monitor.

I don’t give a s--t about what happened over 100 years ago. I never thought of myself as anything but an American.

So, again, why is it an issue today?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All these general officers turn Turk and go to the other side. A lot of that happened during the Russian Revolution and the imposition. When the officers saw that the commie was winning the officers too became commie magically. We are seeing that now in the USA? I would like to believe somewhere someone is rock solid. So far I ask myself where is that.