Wednesday, June 17, 2020

More "Truthing"

-----Original Message-----
By Merlin
Sent: Tue, Jun 16, 2020 10:21 p.m.

More "truthing"

L. Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing.. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd is a contributor to Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, the New York Post, the National Review, Zero Hedge and others. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit
By L. Todd Wood - - Tuesday, September 26, 2017
I know of no white person alive today in the United States who has ever legally owned a black slave, or any slave for that matter. Almost 700,000 mostly white men died 160 years ago to end slavery. Jim Crow ended generations ago. Yet black America, for the most part, is still locked in inner-city gang violence and economic hardship. Why?

Is it because America is racist?  Is it because of some overhanging white supremacy?  Is it because of the Illuminati?

No, unfortunately, it is because of black culture and the adoption of Democratic Party government dependency. 

We have just had eight years of the first black president.  Black athletes, and entertainers, routinely earn multi-million dollar incomes.  I can easily name several black billionaires without even trying too hard. A large percentage of black America is very successful. But, it is not enough. Too many black youth are being left behind.

And it is no one but black America's fault. 

No one can solve this problem but black America.  No one can throw enough money at it.  We've tried that.  Black America needs to look in the mirror and stop blaming others, especially white people.

I am obviously white and conservative, and I served in the military, which, during my time, was as color blind as you could be. I can also honestly say I don't give a damn what color your skin is, neither do any of my friends.  I do care about your actions. 

Blacks are around 15 percent of the population. Depending on what study you look at, they commit around 40 percent to 50 percent of violent crime in America. Of course, there is going to be a problem with police.  And, of course, there are some bad policemen.. However, those bad apples do not kill black people statistically anymore than they kill white people.  Even Harvard said that recently. If you were a cop, and you had to work in a neighborhood infested with crime and murder, wouldn't you act differently than in a neighborhood where there was little crime? The most effective thing black America could do to improve its relationship with police is to significantly reduce violent crime where they live.  Yes, that means change the culture of where you live and your community. 

I for one am tired of being blamed.  I am tired of dealing with people who only want something from others.  I don't oppress anyone.  I don't hold anyone down.  I'm tired of getting on the D.C. metro and seeing white people being harassed by roaming gangs of black youth with their pants around their knees.  Yes, you want a white person uncomfortable?  That makes me uncomfortable.  It's our nation's capital and it's embarrassing. 

Blacks have nothing but opportunity in America..  Try finding the same opportunity anywhere else in the world.  If you are born in America you've won life's economic lottery..  Take advantage of it. 

The problem is this generation has been taught an agenda of cultural Marxism by our education system.  They've been taught to be a victim, and it's still going on.  All you have to do is watch the young black, female student at Yale screaming at the college president to understand that.  Blacks in America don't even know how good they got it. 

Don't kneel when my anthem is played.  Too many people died for that flag.  You are free to protest, but not then..  I am free to not watch, or pay to watch you play if you do that.  The NFL should make it a rule that you stand for the national anthem.  There is no free speech to disobey a private employer on private property..  This would solve the problem immediately.

The NFL has deeply offended most of America.  They will pay an economic and reputational price, as they should.

We have a real cultural problem in this country, the result of the Leftist multicultural agenda.  Multi-ethnicity is perfect and should be encouraged.  Having more than one American culture is destroying the country.  But then again, that is what the Left wants.
Do Black Lives Matter?

It is your job to determine if this is a racist rant or just a review of factual data...

Amount of people in poverty would drop - 34%,
The prison population would go down by -37%,
Welfare recipients would go down by - - - 42%,
Gang members would go down by - - - - - 53%
Chlamydia cases would go down - - - - - - 54%,
Homelessness would go down - - - - - - - -57%
Syphilis would go down  - - - - - - - - - - - - 58%.
AIDS & HIV would go down by - - - - - - - -65%,
Gonorrhea would go down - - - - - - - - - - -69%,
Average ACT scores would go UP - - - - - 5.5 points.
Average IQ would go UP - - - - - - - - - - - -7.4 points,  putting us 3rd in the world tied with Japan,
Average SAT scores would go UP almost - - - - -100 points,
The average income for Americans would go UP over $20,000 a year,

And, many criminal defense attorneys would have to find another line of work!


Anonymous said...

And those,my friends,are stats worth being aware of.I've told this story before,but years ago,the local GR Press would print the SAT scores in the region every spring.The results would encompass Grand Rapids public schools(mostly black),to outlying,rural cities like Rockford,Coopersville and Nunica(99.9% white).
Wherever blacks were the majority,SATs were in the 40s and 50s.If whites were the clear majority,scores of 95 were regularly observed.
One year,one white,rural school was chosen to join in an experiment with a GR urban(black)school(it was written about in the Press).A percentage of blacks would transfer to the rural school and whites vice versa,to the GR public school,with the objective of seeing the effect that race would have on SATs--and also to observe the alleged reason why black SATs were supposedly so low--bad schools.Were urban schools--themselves--that much a factor,as claimed by black groups like the NAACP?
The results were a massive decrease in the rural(formerly white)high school from 95 to 60,while the black school,infused with whitey,improved somewhat(I do not recall the numbers).
The conclusion was that bad teaching or bad schools were not the reason for low SAT scores from blacks.Instead,it was strongly suggested,BLACKS THEMSELVES were the main factor in low SATs.
After that year or close to it(about 5-8 years ago)the Press,under pressure from liberal groups,decided to drop the printing of area SAT scores--you can't find them anymore.
I don't see how they would have changed for the better,in Grand Rapids' ever growing negro high schools.
--GR Anonymous--I'm a white survivalist.

Anonymous said...

Most of all, I as a white man don't like having to life among folks that hate us whitey so much. Let us go our way and leave us whites alone. No other solution.

Anonymous said...

NNN's first words of the night:"Two WHITE(stressed)police officers are charged in the murder of a black Atlanta man.Eleven charges were filed by Fulton county (GRA:BLACK)prosecutor Paul Howard,who announced 11 charges against former officer Garrett Rolfe, including felony murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, in the shooting death of Rayshard Brooks. He announced three charges against officer Devin Brosnan, including aggravated assault."
(90.1 FM radio)
Howard, in a press conference Wednesday, said his office reviewed videos, physical evidence and witness statements to conclude that Brooks did not pose a threat of death or serious physical injury to either officer.
Lawyers for the two policemen,called the shooting justified and that Rolfe insisted "I feared for my life and the lives of others in the area."
GRA:Other NNN crappola--Holt smirking about Governor Ralph Northram turning into a white version of Rochester--who always said,"yessir Mr.Benny,"but now it's Northram saying,"yassir my black massas."
Holt said Northram has gone from a blackface incident(which he denied)one year ago,to being in favor of declaring Juneteenth a state holiday and tearing down a Robert E.Lee statue.
"It's divisive,"said Northram of the Lee monument.
No,it's blacks who are divisive.Whites have accepted all the black bullsh*t thrust at us--in higher and higher amounts lately--and HAVEN'T removed any statues of MLK,Rosa Parks or other negro "heroes",though they should be.
It's BLACKS who are--for no reason--stirring the pot,thinking the statues and symbols are the problem.Now you add Aunt Jemima,Uncle Ben and Mrs.Butterworth to the ridiculousness.
NNN's,Stephanie Gosc wrapped up a report on the subject by saying,"now everyone understands,you can be frightened--even at breakfast."
By a bottle of Aunt Jemima pancake syrup?You know what frightens me?Uncle Ben's grandson breaking into my house or assaulting me on the street--not this trivial garbage that keeps appearing from SJWs that need to be told "NO" to.
--GR Anonymous--I'm a white survivalist

Anonymous said...

I am all for reparations--but only to people who have actually been slaves in America and paid for only by people who have actually been slave owners in America. As a member of either of these classes would have to be over 150 years old, it is safe to say there aren't any. However, considering the billions of dollars spent on blacks and all the lives and property lost due to crimes by blacks, in reality blacks owe the rest of the country for all the harm they have done. However, in lieu of a huge payment, we should accept them leaving for Africa instead.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Trump should try to make that deal 8:02pm anonymous.

Sebastian Hawks said...

I'm so sick of hearing the lie about "systematic racism." No the cause of this is not "systematic racism" but "thug culture." I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often, that some cop snaps considering the stupidest shit they have to deal with from blacks on a day in day out basis. No, black behavior is at the root of what befalls them. Negative stereotypes are not "racism" but earned.

Anonymous said...

"The NFL should make it a rule that you stand for the national anthem. There is no free speech to disobey a private employer on private property.."

It was a RULE FOR A LONG TIME PRIOR to Colin-what-is-his name. A workplace rule as agreed to be obeyed by signed contract. Where the workplace starts freedom of speech and protest ends.

The current rewritten rule book for the NFL is 113 pages long. I doubt any of the colored players [already defiant since youth about obeying rules] have read or would want to read or maybe cannot even read or understand if they do read. Why bother with rue's when the players know the owners are at their mercy.