Friday, June 19, 2020

More on Juneteenth BLM Hold-Up of D.C.: Under Siege by Black Hoodlums and Their White Collaborators in What Used to be Our Nation's Capital

By "W"
Fri, Jun 19, 2020 10:07 a.m.

More on Juneteenth BLM Hold-Up of D.C.

"W": Under Siege by Black Hoodlums and Their White Collaborators in What Used to be Our Nation's Capital:

Discussion about the fate of arrested hoodlums in the DC area:


Anonymous said...

Seriously,how much more black bulls**t can the commies/blacks dig up to force us to celebrate?I thought MLK day was bad enough,but then they came up with "Black History Month",which was followed by Kwanzaa.These are media sponsored days,though for some reason, another unofficial black holiday-- "Devil's Night"--doesn't get the publicity it used to(the reason is a ban on black criminal news).

But,Juneteenth?What's next?
Maybe these historic days in black history can also be celebrated by whites against our will.

Janteenth--Black EBT Day
In 1971ish,the first black received food stamps--now evolved into EBT cards.Blacks receive double their normal EBT amount this month to help celebrate the occasion.Whites get extra taxes taken out of their paychecks.

Febteenth--Emmett Till Day
New,black version of Valentine's Day--where white women are raped by black men en masse--replacing the previous tradition of receiving flowers and candy given by white men.Best of all,for one day--rape by black men is LEGAL--police will not arrest blacks for CSA on Emmett Till Day.

Mayteenth--George Floyd Riot Day/Steal from Target Day
Every year,on Mayteenth,local merchants will clear their stores of employees,allowing blacks to ransack the premises of its merchandise.This idea,created by Target,as a way to show its support for black thugs,was endorsed by BLM as "a start to the healing process of 400 years of injustice by whites."
BLM proposes multiple "Riot Days" per year to continue the "healing".

Other black holidays are being feverishly being worked on.
July 4th through 7th--Obama Day(one for each Obama).
Septeenth--Oprah Day.

Octeenth--Ava DuVernay"I Hate Whitey" Day/Knockout Day
Combining DuVernay's complete hatred of whites with the knockout game,black trick or treaters--going door to door--are given full permission to assault whites who give them candy.Blacks will also be allowed to "knockout"those whites found walking on the sidewalk with their kids,who already have candy.Home invasions will also be allowed.

All holidays will be promoted effusively by the media and those whites found not participating will be shamed as racist and/or fired from their jobs.
--GR Anonymous--I'm a white survivalist

Sebastian Hawks said...

They just spun up this phony holiday out of thin air and pretend that "June Teenth" is a holiday all Americans have fond memories from their childhood. Nobody ever heard of this fake ass holiday before the media started harping on it a few days ago. Something tells me we are going to get an awful lot of Kwanza served up to us this year.