Friday, June 05, 2020

Jobs Report Destroys Estimates—2.5 Million Hired, Instead of 9 Million Jobs Lost—CBS Complains about Blacks “LAGGING BEHIND”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friday, June 5, 2020 at 11:01:00 A.M. EDT

Tony Dokoupil—Katy Tur’s husband—broke into regular programming this morning to report the news of today’s employment numbers, which staggered everyone in the financial and political world, with a monthly gain of 2.5 million people hired. Estimates were for a loss of 9 million, based on unemployment claims.

CBS, as I said, broke in to show President Trump’s impromptu remarks for about five minutes, before they got bored with the obvious exhilaration that Trump was sending out—along with a list of accomplishments he felt he deserved credit for.

As CBS abruptly broke away, Dokoupil summarized the report by saying, “A surprising jump in employment was announced this morning, though black Americans it seemed, were not part of the rebound.”

Here’s why, in my opinion:

1.) They like their unemployment

2) Blacks have the least seniority of anyone at any establishment because of their tendency to quit jobs frequently. They are then the last ones hired back in a situation like this.

But CBS couldn’t resist playing the race card again. In their 52 card deck, 51 of the cards they use, ARE race cards.


Anonymous said...

That's not true. I worked for the City of NY- where the majority of the employees are black and Spanish. Look at the customer service people at airlines at local airports, they're all black thanks to affirmative action.
It's older whites whose employment is lagging behind.

Anonymous said...

I am glad the colored are lagging. They always seem to be lagging in all categories and that is good. I hope it gets a lot worse for them.